Book Wall!

The launch of --------------------------------------------------- AN ARCHITECTURE OF INTERACTION --------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12 December 2007. 7.30-9.30pm at De Veemvloer -- Van Diemenstraat 410, Amsterdam / The Netherlands --------------------------------------------------- Book launch plus live performance by Oorbeek. Please join us to celebrate the launch of the "Architecture of Interaction" book at the Veemvloer, Amsterdam. For artists who participated in this project there will also be the opportunity to pick up a free copy of the book. Introduction: The interest in and the use of interactive methodologies continue to grow among artists, curators and art institutions and funding bodies. Yet every artistic discipline and even each independent artist uses their own individual language to describe interactive works. There is currently no common feature to these languages. "An Architecture of Interaction" is a project realised by a core group of six artists and theorists who have set out to develop a communicatory toolbox that can be used to talk about and compare the processes, meanings and effects of interactive work, especially the stages of interactive work where no outcomes or precise outlines can be defined a priori. "An Architecture of Interaction" arose from a desire to connect vocabularies, to develop a more sophisticated discourse and to share the eclectic and hidden ideas and processes involved in interactive works in disciplines ranging from theater, performance, music, dance, film and the visual arts to new media. The main goal is to make interactive working methods more tangible. It is ostensibly a discussion document for artists from very different backgrounds, but is also a resourceful insight into the tricky zones of interactivity for those with a personal and/or professional interest in interactive work such as critics, curators, commissioners and audiences.We think of interactive working methods as a meta-discipline, that is to say, interactivity as a field that informs other disciplines. Interactive working methods can be applied to any artistic discipline. For us, the important element is that interactive methods have qualities that are concerned solely with interaction and can be considered outside the framed discourses of specific disciplines. This book has been made by makers for makers. It covers six important elements to consider when making an interactive work. The book's main authors are the artists Anna Best, Yvonne Dröge Wendel, Nikolaus Gansterer, Lino Hellings, Mine Kaylan and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer. Coordinated by Wietske Maas. Co-authors are all those who took part in the Architecture of Interaction discussions and communications: Alessio Antoniolli / Teike Asselbergs / Anthony Auerbach / Emer Beamer / Johannes Birringer / Jeroen Boomgaard / Marjolijn Boterenbrood/ Katie Boucher / Jason Bowman / Neil Chapman / Marco Cops / Esther Deens / Daniel Devlin / Onno Dirker / Lucia Farinati / Wapke Feenstra / Eva Fotiadi / Ella Gibbs / Menno Grootveld / Robin van t'Haar / Erik Hagoort / Janet Hand / Jeanne van Heeswijk / Arne Hendriks / Charlie Henry / Mel Hewitt and Andy Jordan / Lina Issa / Karen Janody / Yvonne Jansen / Justin Kenrick / Maria Kheirkhah / Jouke Kleerebezem / Katrin Korfman / Josia Krysa / Stefan Kueppers / Karen Lancel / Dees Linders / Rudy Luijters / Janice Mclaren / Anna Mendelssohn / Esther Polak / Emily Pringle / Nina Rave / Jellichje Reijnders / Willem de Ridder/ Paula Roush / Benjamin Sadler / Rebecca Sakoun / Anke Schäfer / Marjolein Schaap / Deborah Smith / Robert Steijn / Judith Stewart / Axel Stockburger / Marion Taenkle / Elias Tieleman / Nienke Terpsma / Raoul Teulings / Ronald van Tienhoven / Saliou Traore / Sarah Turner / Leanne Turvey / Radek Vana / Marcus Verhagen / Monique Verhoeckx / Christel Vesters / Axel Vogelsang /Simon Wallis / Jonathan Watkins / Cecilia Wee / Jeroen Werner / Stephen Willats / Katarina Zdjelar / Merav Yerushalmy / Sylvie Zijlmans / Inga Zimprich... Graphic design: Nienke Terpsma ISBN: 978-90-9022039-0 Financial support for this project and publication was provided by Mondriaan Foundation and The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) This publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial 2.5 License. Via dance-tech list Johannes Birringer -- _________________________

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  • »Die Welt als virtuelles Environment«
    published by order of TMA Hellerau by Johannes Birringer, Thomas Dumke and Klaus Nicolai

    Through cybernetic »machines« and networks, the world experiences virtualisation in a way so far unprecedented. This makes the difference between the existing and the possible as well as between reality and simulation, as encountered in our everyday perception, barely detectable. In the miscellany at hand authors from various professions and backgrounds approach the globally expanding cybernetic »spheres of the possible« and illuminate risks as well as opportunities, particularly in communication and action via networked virtual spaces.
    The driving question behind it all is how and whether the telematic »revolution« taking place at the moment will lead to a radical cultural change. This book is addressed to artists, engineers, pedagogues, philosophers, politicians and sociologists and, above all, to those who practically deal with new media technology on a day-to-day basis.

    Autors: Johannes Birringer, Ghislaine Boddington, Sonia Cillari, Scott deLahunta, Jo Fabian, Mick Grierson, Dave Griffiths, Friedrich Kirschner, Bojana Kunst, Michael Takeo Magruder, Bia Medeiros, Klaus Nicolai, Florian Rötzer, Detlev Schneider, F. Scott Taylor, Yukihiko Yoshida and others

    language: English and German
    pages total: 200

    prize: 15,00 Euro
    ISBN: 978-3-9810247-3-9

    you can order the book:


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