I live in Brooklyn and am consistently rehearsing with projections/video work with dance.  I have two spaces that I have been rehearsing in regularly, but as they become booked sometimes, I thought I would ask around for additional spaces that might also be suitable. 

I have been frequenting Triskilion Arts' Studio A and CPR's large studio because of their dark spaces with white walls as well as a signigifcant amount of depth you can get in the space for the projector throw.  I was wondering if anyone had been to any other affordable ($15 or less) spaces where they have been using projections or think might be suitable.  These 2 spaces are rather large by nyc standards, cprnyc.org is 41' x 45' and Triskilion is 40' x 28', again allowing me to get some good distance between the projector and the screen and also spilling onto the floor.  Any ideas would be great!  Thanks! Tara :)



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