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individual human (me)
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Wesleyan University
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
21 year old male, Senior Dance Major at Wesleyan University
I'm a fellow dancer and would like to invite you to participate in this upcoming global dance performance. Please share with friends and colleagues.
April 24, 2009 - where will you be?
dance anywhere ™
A global / conceptual annual dance event.
An invitation to " dance anywhere" -
noon - San Francisco
3 pm - NY or Santiago, Chile
9 pm - Paris or Rome
10 pm - Ankara or Jerusalem
anywhere around the world...
Stop, DANCE, & take a photo or video!
This is a non-profit public art project that celebrates art practice as an integral part of life.
youtube "dance anywhere"