October 25
Birthday: October 25
October 25
Do you want this account to represent:
individual human (me)
If you are representing an organization, what is the name of the organization:
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
If you are representing an organization, what kind of organization?
Company, Festival
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
Last Name (Family Name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
“From the chaos of daily life, Anabella Lenzu / DanceDrama distills the pure essence of real experience, real feelings and real people. DanceDrama is the magnifying glass that reveals and examines emotional histories.“
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
Spanish, Italian, French