January 5
Birthday: January 5
January 5
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Chrissie Parrott Chrissie Parrott’s is well known as one of Australia’s most visionary Artistic Directors. Her distinctive choreographic style draws equally upon her foundations in classical dance and the richness of the 20th Century contemporary dance vocabulary. She has created a repertoire of over 80 works - most particularly within the context of the Chrissie Parrott Dance Company.Choreographic commissions include works for WA Ballet, Australian Dance Theatre, Queensland Ballet, Sydney Theatre Company, Tasdance, Sinfionetta de Lorraine France, Theater Vorpommern in the Baltic city of Stralsund and Tanz Forum Cologne touring to the Avignon festival in France. Chrissie danced with the West Australian Ballet, One Extra Company - Sydney where she was also Assistant Director, Festival Ballet Nicic de Monte Carlo – Basel, Switzerland, Kent Opera Ballet, Crameer Balletten – Stockholm, and Tanz Forum – Cologne. She was awarded a Research Travel Grant by ArtsWA to investigate the implications and use of motion capture technologies within the context of dance. Her research into the various sciences associated with the process of motion capture led her to spend time in the world’s leading commercial motion capture studio Medialab in Paris, where she was invited to work in their Motion Capture studio and studied digital puppetry by combining this real-time capability with sophisticated devices to track a dancer and captured her own choreographic data that became a short animated film which was presented at the Adelaide festival in 1998 Chrissie’s work has been filmed and broadly ABC TV Wrath 1992 and Coppelia 1998. Chrissie sees herself as a movement scientist with emphasis on movement manipulation and modification through and by technologies including motion tracking, video tracking and the utilisation of the components embedded in the data storage and programming of the movement vocabulary. Chrissie’s outstanding contribution to contemporary dance-associated arts has been significantly acknowledged by the presentation of the Sidney Myer Performing Arts Award, Swan Gold Award Sounds Australia Award, Western Australian Citizen of the Year 2000, and a Centenary Medal. In 2005 she was nominated for a Green Room award for her stage design for Swimming the Luna Sea. She was nominated by Live Performance Australia for best choreography for A Midsummer Nights Dream that in 2006 won the Ausdance award for outstanding choreography. She has attracted commissions all around the country to create works using Life Forms ® choreographic software and Poser6.The latest works in collaboration with Jonathan Mustard include Swimming the Luna Sea, Divining, and Dis Patch that was screened as part of the multimedia component at the 2004 Monaco Dance Forum – Monte Carlo. That same year Jambird multi media company was born,[co directors Chrissie Parrott and Jonathan Mustard] Jambird presented ‘MetaDance in resonant light’ an evening of dance and film as part of the Perth International Arts Festival 2008. Chrissie held the position of senior research fellow with Edith Cowan University during which time she created the strategic business plan founded and was Artistic Director of its graduate dance company LINK she was also an adjunct professor at Queensland University of Technology as part of their creative industries centre CIRAC. Over the past five years she has traversed into the field of visual and performance art and film. She has successfully presented two exhibitions of digital art works that are figurative showing digital lineages, wire frame and fully rendered hyper realistic replicas of dancers. She is presently Program Performance Manager with Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.
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