August 27
Birthday: August 27
August 27
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Emiliano Campagnola
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
Emiliano Campagnola received the degree in Acting at the National School of Cinema in Rome (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia) 1994-96. Master class at the Moscow GITIS Theatre Accademy, acting and directing with the Prof. Jurij Alschitz. Finishing his course for the BA in DAMS (Disciplines of Art, Music and theatre) at University of Roma Tre. In 2003 he presented VITE3 for n[ever]land-digital paths- at Macro Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome. VITE3 is a laboratory for the construction of a space dedicated to theatre and new tecnologies. VITE3 organizes workshops and performance at the University of Rome 3, on web-cam theatre and streaming acting. In 2005 is the curator of the video archive at Teatro Palladium of Rome. 2006 partecipate to the Live-Isadora workshop (live interactive video for dance and theatre performance) by Troika Ranch, NYC. 2007 actor-director of the performance SLAVE inspired by a Plato's dialogue and mith.
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