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Johari Mayfield
“A bio just listing your publication credits and prizes is just the kind of boring bio that Jim does not want.” Halvard Johnson
What has a broad, flat tail like a beaver, webbed feet, and a snout resembling a duck’s bill? A platypus, probably. Whose choreographic identity is a unique amalgamation of Double Dutch meeting Martha Graham meeting John Coltrane meeting Einstein meeting African dance meeting Edgar Allen Poe? Johari Mayfield, more than likely. Evolving in an artistic habitat that at any given moment may be a ballet class on 29th street, an audio jam on the Lower East Side, an African dance class in the Alps, a children’s playground, or a long, hot shower after watching “Back to the Future” for the umpteenth time, Johari’s work hatches out of an instinctual need to artistically explore a myriad of environments in order to make sense out of Life’s emotional, spiritual, and physical curve balls. Her dances synergize traits from movement, narrative flow, and technology that leave audiences giggling, crying, or scratching their heads. Johari’s work has been well received in several venues and festivals throughout New York and abroad including P.S. 122, RAW Material at Dance New Amsterdam, Spark Festival for Electronic Music and Art in Minneapolis, and Die Bregenzer Festspiele in Austria.