November 17
Birthday: November 17
November 17
Do you want this account to represent:
If you are representing an organization, what is the name of the organization:
If you are representing an organization, what kind of organization?
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
Last Name (Family Name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
IJAD Dance Company is an interdisciplinary dance and arts company. The work is based on different dance genres including contemporary dance, hip hop, ballet and raqs sharqui, visual media, design, and film. IJAD examines social and political issues through movement and aims to create work relevant to the context and time we are living in. The company also explores current discoveries in dance technique and the use of technology in order to break the boundaries of conventional movement. In the past IJAD has performed at venues such as the ICA, The Place, artsdepot and Arcola Theatre in London, The Tramway in Glasgow and many other site specific sites.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Movement artist(dancer/interdisciplinary performer), Stage director (choreographer/ theater director), Interactive space designer (video and sound installations/ performances and networked spaces)
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
French, Spanish