January 4
January 4
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About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
I studied dance, art, and music in my youth, and at mid-life returned to school to take computer courses, including music technology, game design, computer multimedia, and human-computer interaction. I'm a school psychologist during the work-week. I joined Dance-Tech because my interests include gesture and whole-body interaction + technology. Early Influences: My first dance teacher, who taught "creative dance" to me and a roomful of other preschoolers, along with a long line of dance teachers, choreographers, and performers over the years, my grandmother, who studied dance and art and was a dancer when she was a young adult, and my mother, who studied dance and theater, was an actress/theater professor, and researched stage movement for her Ph.D. I became curious about the intersection of dance and technology when my HCI professor, Celine LaTulipe, started a collaboration between the software information systems/computer science departments and the dance department at UNC-Charlotte.
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