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Michèle Danjoux is a fashion designer, illustrator and Senior Lecturer in Fashion at Nottingham Trent University's School of Art & Design. During her time as fashion educator, she has collaborated on a number of cross-disciplinary and publicly exhibited projects placing fashion design in a wider arts and cultural context, including Archaeology Revealed, Satellites of Fashion and Textures of Memory. Her design films have been shown at Wearable Futures (Newport), Digital Cultures (Nottingham), and DRHA (Dartington); in 2005 she presented her concepts at the 7th Annual IFFTI International Conference at Bunka Women's University (Tokyo); in 2007 she spoke on the "emergent dress" collection at the 9th Annual IFFTI International Conference in Toronto. The "Kluver" film installation of the emergent design was exhibited at the Prague Quadrennial's "Design in Motion" festival, June 2007, and her new collection of intelligent garments premiered in "Suna no Onna" at Laban Centre, 2007, and at Watermans Art Center, London, in March 2008. Her "Teshigahara" collection was shown at INSIDE OUT, an exhibition at Bonington Gallery in Nottingham, and at the exhibition she also launched her new art book, "Design in Motion" (limited editition). She is co-dierctor of the DAP-Lab and artistic director of the Dans Sans Joux label.