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Mirella Misi Heijens
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
Mirella Misi, choreographer, video artist and researcher, studies and investigates the integration between live performance, installation, music, video and computer graphic animation. Since 2003 living in between Amsterdam-Holland and Salvador-Bahia-Brazil, Mirella created “Easy” (Performance-Installation - DWA, 2004), The Queen (Peformance - WestGasFabric, 2005), “Virtual Real Body” (video/ animation movie – Art Kitchen, 2007), “Mirrorman” and “Only for Girls” (animation movies – Salvador, Sarau da Rural, 2007).
In 2005 she received a scholarship from CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) for her PhD studies on the Post-Graduation Program on Performing Arts (PPGAC) at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, with the project: Interdisciplinary Creative Process on Dance and Technology: A practice based research.
Mirella finished her Master Degree on the Federal University of Brazil, in 2004, with the dissertation thesis: Paradox of Post-Modernity in Dance: Concepts of Body and Space-Time, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Suzana Martins.
In Brazil, she received grants from the Cultural Fundation of Bahia for the dance pieces “No Meio do Mapa” (2000) and “Tempo” (1997). From the Brazilian government, she received grants for the dance piece “Colagens Urbanas” (1999) and for the summer dance program festival “Mirella Misi e Convidados” (1998). Her work had been showed in Brazil, Argentina and Holland.
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:
assisti ao video do mirrorman,
consigo ver um conceito,
que tal pensar para um espetaculo¿?, mesclando projeçao do video em materiais mais inusitados como espelhos reais,
um corpo humano real que apareça, mas de outra forma, por exemplo vemos sua imagem atraves de algo, pode ser inclusive de um espelho...
vou a alemanha em agosto, daremos um curso, de repente a gente faz algo ou so experimenta...
boa sorte, lud
como vai o mestrado?¿ estive com suzana, mas pena que nao nos encontramos,
gostei muito da foto sua do MIRRORMAN...
¿?possibilidades para acontecer en stage?¿
nao vou ao reverso nao, mas
espero que nos encontremos em janeiro...
wow, I see how well traveled you are. Are you still working on your PhD?