December 25
Birthday: December 25
December 25
Joining date:
May 19, 2016
Do you want this account to represent:
If you are representing an organization, what is the name of the organization:
Modern Body Festival
If you are representing an organization, what kind of organization?
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
Last Name (Family Name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
What exactly is the ‘modern body’? We are inclined to think of our bodies as limited to what is contained within our own skin, but technology, philosophy, spirituality, religion, and science all challenge this idea. Modern Body Festival (MBF), an initiative organized by artists / makers / performers Stephanie Pan and Stelios Manousakis, strives to examine the nature of our current existence, as it were, through the perspective of the ‘modern body’. Our second edition, Modern Body Festival meets DEZACT 2016: I/WE/THEY, explores the social body; how we exist and belong in today's globalized society. For this edition, we collaborate with cutting-edge Taiwanese architecture platform DEZACT, to create a 5-day event made up of workshops, exhibitions, symposia and performances.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Movement artist (dancer/interdisciplinary performer), Actor (theater)
which other:
artist-researcher, anthropologist