February 9
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February 9
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Dr Olu Taiwo Is a Senior lecturer at the University of Winchester. He Graduated from the Laban Centre with an MA in Choreography and wrote his PhD on Performance philosophy. He teaches dance, visual development and performance in a combination of real and virtual formats and has a background in Fine Art. He is an actor, dancer and drummer performing in national and international contexts. His main interests are to propagate 21st century issues concerning the interaction between body, identity, audience and technology. This includes research based on both his concepts of the Return beat (West African rhythmic sensibility), and the Physical journal (Embodied knowledge and memory). He is currently performing in Suna No Onna a piece conceived and directed by Johannes Birringer and Michele Danjoux, as well as working on new piece with Ace Dance co based in Newbury, called Harmonious Interruptions.