January 1
Birthday: January 1
January 1
Joining date:
January 9, 2014
Do you want this account to represent:
If you are representing an organization, what is the name of the organization:
Cadence Artist Management e.U.
If you are representing an organization, what kind of organization?
Company, Artists Services
First Name (Required: even if you are representing an organization you must use your name)
Last Name (Family Name)
About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
We are an Artist Management Agency specializing in supporting and developing internationally active artists in the areas of contemporary dance and music. While focussing on the alternative music genre, we are generally not constraining us to certain styles, as the best artists have their unique style anyway and should not be tried to fit into ready-made categories. Our services range from comprehensive managment oft he artist to more specific topics like booking, sponsoring, PR and production/project management. And then we are always open to special topics that artist are requesting, from special endorsement concepts to newly developing funding instruments. For DIY’s we offer coaching sessions that covert he topics of financing, PR and press activities, event organization as well as project management.
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Movement artist (dancer/interdisciplinary performer), Musician, other
which other:
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English: