Alan Kay on "Why does computer-based teaching fail?"

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Alan Kay speaks about educational design, but doesn't he make a relevant point for dance/tech?

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  • i think i understand your point and i do agree with you. there is certainly a sense of exploration where one tries to not impose meaning on the medium, but rather works with the sensations and direct input that the medium "emits". i once did a dance project called "technuition" that researched this way of working.
    what about discussing this over a cup of coffee? i happen to be in amsterdam from the 25th to the 31st...
  • You might be right about the educational context. But in more general terms as you imply with the 90's reference, separating ideas/concepts from a medium can be problematic for the reason mentioned. At that time new as new media surely was enough, it's a pity though that it more or less stopped there and hasn't been explored more. There's much room there and I don't mean 'forging messages on top', but media exploration in the Cageian / Tudorian sense.
    Hmm, I'm drifting off.. the topic was education.
  • well. alan kay talks about education, where the topic "idea" has a whole different meaning then in the arts. but i would say, he has a point. just having a medium may not enough, let's remember the 90ties with their "check out my new toy" attitude.
  • First one needs ideas and then a medium? How outdated.. as we know media dictate what one can do with them.
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