Aleksandar Georgiev (Macedonia) : Balkan Dance Platform 2009

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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Balkan Dance Platform 2009 Participation at BDP 2009 -- supported by Goethe Institut and Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Heidi is a constructed figure -- "something" that symbolizes and represents naivety, purity, silliness and joy in every way... She is being articulated by the body of a man, who feels like a kid, who acts like a girl, and moves like all these three states of mind. I am also provoked to find out if she might be charmingly stupid, though she is too cute to be called "stupid". In 2008, Aleksandar Georgiev graduated at Theatre department, Subject - Dance theatre, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. His dance experience is based on: Modern dance technique, Improvisation, Contact improvisation, Instant composition, Release technique, Body mind centering, Graham, Ballet, Jazz, Macedonian folk dance and Bulgarian folk dance. He worked with Rossen Mihailov, Mila Iskrenova, Jurij Konjar and Robert Tannion and performanced in Salt/Drought(2008), Sergej and Vladimira(2008), The tower(2008), Ballet music for and two lovers (2007), and Side effect(2005) interviews are produced by marlon barrios solano Interviews at the Balkan Dance Platform were made possible by a grant from Dance Theater Workshop, with major support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, New York USA The host of Balkan Dance Platform 2009 was Per.Art

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