Brunel Seminar 09: Marko Ciciliani: "Synaesthesia and the Use of Light as an Extension of Performance Parameters in Composition"

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March 25, 2009  Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm Marko Ciciliani    "Synaesthesia and the Use of Light as an Extension of Performance Parameters in Composition" \In his work as a composer, many of compositions of the past years incorporated light design as a visual component. When working with light, he is at first approaching it as an additional musical parameter, although an inaudible one. In his current research, he is investigating in how far sound and light are compatible with each other. They share some significant characteristics: both are projected from singular sources, both are forms of energy and both are abstract forms of art. At the same time, both have also have some significant differences Ð for example in how our ears and eyes work and how our brain processes the incoming information. The biggest difference between the two is, however, that light is a medium with fixed boundaries. While music throughout history has constantly redefined it's 'vocabulary' by incorporating what has previously been conceived as noise, light as such does not offer a comparable flexible skin. From this perspective, Ciciliani approaches light as a 'symbolic form' in an art context, that contains interpretable signs. Under the metaphor 'dirty light', he is working on developing ways to apply light that diverts from its presentation as a medium of incorporeal pureness. Marko Ciciliani is a composer and electronic musician trained in New York, Hamburg and The Hague. He has written for a variety of settings, including orchestra, ensembles, solo works and sound installations, often using live-electronics and other media. His special interest in combining sound and light has led to many compositions using lighting and/or laser. In 2006, Ciciliani founded the ensemble Bakin Zub comprising five distinguished musicians. It serves as his main platform for the development of large-scale multimedia works. The Centre broadcasts selected Performance Research Seminars live from the Brunel Drama Studio - making them available to anyone in the world interested in the subject. Johannes Birringer and Marlon Barrios Solano are co-producing the talks and discussions as live webcasts webcast live on dance tech net TV . The partnership between the Centre and dance-techTV, is an experiment in collaborative video broadcasting (the channel is dedicated to interdisciplinary explorations of the performance of movement. The channel allows worldwide 24/7 linear broadcasting of selected programs, LIVE streaming and Video On-demand).

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