presents: Skyped: Interview with Johannes Birringer

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I interviewed Johannes Birringer, pioneer and instigator of the artistic, academic and research filed performance and new media technology or dance and technology. This is an informal conversation about his ideas and his last performance project and workshop in Brazil in collaboration with electronic musician and composer Paolo Chagas. Prof. Johannes Birringer director, DAP Lab School of Arts Brunel University West London UB8 3PH UK Boks by Johannes Birringer: AlienNation Co. ( Festival: FIT-Belo Horizone The workshop and the CORPO production in Belo Horizonte are described and presented on the website for the 2008 workshop here you also find the "theory pages:" and the texts we are publishing on CORPO and this year's exploration of music and visuals Press release: Corpo, Carne e Espírito (Body, Flesh and Spirit) Teatro Klauss Vianna/Oi Futuro 27/06 sexta – 19h 28/06 sábado – 17h 29/06 domingo – 20h The music-theatre production Corpo, Carne e Espírito (Body, Flesh and Spirit), created by Paulo C. Chagas (music) and Johannes Birringer (digital choreography), will premiere at the 9th International Theatre Festival of Belo Horizonte (Brasil) on June 27-29, 2008, featuring an ensemble of musicians and vocalists, and a triptych of film projections and animations inspired by the figural paintings of Francis Bacon. The work investigates the invisible forces of the human body in the contexts of new music composition (electronic and acoustic), interactive technology, and immersive environments. The music for this audiovisual work was composed by Paulo C. Chagas, inspired by the paintings of bodily deformations and anamorphoses in Bacon's oeuvre. It features three voices (soprano, counter-tenor, baritone), string quartet, percussion and electronic sounds that are integrated in the visual and performance environment designed by Johannes Birringer. The oratorio will be conducted by Mr Chagas; live programming of the image movements, projected onto a curved triptych of screens upstage behind the musicians, will be performed by Mr. Birringer. The compositional plan for this performance of Corpo, Carne e Espírito was developed at the International Interaktionslabor (Göttelborn, Germany), the annual media lab directed by Birringer since 2003. During their residency at FIT Theatre Festival, Mr Birringer and Mr Chagas will conduct workshops in composition and digital performance. The oratorio will tour European venues in 2009. The 9th International Theatre Festival of Belo Horizonte is the largest edition since the Festival's foundation in 1994. It is promoted by the City Hall of Belo Horizonte, along with FLAMA (Artistic Education Foundation), and sponsored by Petrobras, CEMIG, OI, USIMINAS, and the cultural support of Funarte, Casa do Conde, Oi Futuro, Usicultura, and Federal and State of Minas Gerais agencies to stimulate culture. The Festival opens on June 26 with a concert by Antonio Nobrega, and runs from June 26th to July 6th, featuring 34 performances, 18 on stage, 9 on alternative spaces, and 7 on the street, including an itinerant performance. There will also be several interventions by Puppet Theatre groups. Among the festival attractions, there are 17 international groups, 6 Brazilian groups and 9 groups from Belo Horizonte.

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