David Rokeby: n-Cha(n)t, Interactive Installation 2001

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n-Cha(n)t is a creative demonstration of artificial intelligence in which machines respond to humans but also work together as a community 'appearing' to think as if they are collaborating. In the gallery, the audience encounters a 'community' of computer monitors suspended at head height each monitor showing an images of ears.If the viewer speaks directly to the computers they listen and then respond by speaking out loud their own poetic responses to what they hear. As long as viewers are speaking, the computers respond to this stimulus by chattering individually in a dissonant chorus of language. The ears visible on the computer monitors show the state of receptivity of each system. When the system is ready to listen, a listening ear is shown on the screen. If the system hears a sound, it cups its ear to concentrate. When 'thinking', a finger is pressed into the ear.This work uses the social quality of the gallery space to demonstrate Rokeby's remarkable ability to meld a technical virtuosity and a minimalist aesthetic. It transports the viewer to a realm where the experience of technology is heightened and transformed and challenges the audience's understanding of what makes up a stream streams of consciousness.n-Cha(n)t was commissioned by the Banff Centre for the Arts. It was awarded the Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica for Interactive Art 2002.More info: http://homepage.mac.com/davidrokeby/nchant.html

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