De Humani by Ventura Dance Company

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November 7, 2002, 9 pmchoreography and artistic direction: Pablo Venturadance: Ventura Dance Company: Arlette Kunz, Sonia Rocha, Yong-In Lee, Barbra Noh, Markus Heckeloriginal music, sound installation: Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntaginteractive sound programming: Frieder WeißConstruction wireless transmitter: Jens Bakenhusstage design: Pablo Venturalighting: Antje Brücknervideo design: Pablo Ventura, Tobias Peiercostume realisation: Barbara MensVideotechnik/ video technician: Maik Blaumgraphic design: Tobias Peierphotos: Pablo Venturaadministration: Marcel Auf der MaurSoftware: Life Forms 3.5, EyeCon"A new body would rise, phoenix-like, from the flames of the digital and the ashes of the real." (Robert Nirre)During the past CYNETart festivals, I have presented works which underline my concern for the relations between the human body and technology, between the human body and machines. I will now be presenting a series of dance sequences in an interactive setting created with the intention of rounding up some of the experiences gathered so far, and aiming at attaining an interconnectedness and an intricate relation between the different aspects involved: dance, sounds and moving images. Motion and stillness being the key words pertaining to this work, with the human body as the determining factor in the context of an audiovisual installation.In De Humani, I am mostly concerned with the complex combinations of body parts set in motion. The whole work is to be perceived as an active body itself comprised of the dance/body mechanics, sounds, and moving images; a whole fabric integrating structure and function.The fragmentation of body parts and their reassembling in new ways in motion, the combination of movement sequences in space, the reaction of the sound environment to the unexpected motions of the dancers, and the combination of moving images through the mixing and re-mixing of videos all contribute to choreographing space and time from the human body to its surroundings.With De Humani, I do not pretend to discover new technological means nor am I trying to make an issue of the technology used. I am rather collecting the experience and knowledge acquired so far with the different software and interactive systems used in my previous works in order to exploit the expressive potential of man's technology to express human condition. It is an approach to mankind via mankind's constructs, via the machines that mirror us.The Ventura Dance Company would like to thank Presidialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, Kulturförderung des Kantons Zürich, Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung

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