Emio Greco|PC: Conjunto di Nero trailer

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The January 2006 tour of Conjunto di NERO marked the company's fourth visit to the U.S., following the successful twelve-city North American tour of Rimasto Orfano and Double Points: One and Two (produced by MAPP) in the spring of 2005. Conjunto di NERO was presented by White Bird in Portland, OR and the Joyce Theater in New York City.Conjunto di NERO suggests boundless depth and an intrepid disregard for gravity. Darkness itself is a presence as the entire work explores blackness, from the dancers in their black dresses who appear from a dense background of darkness, to the many different patterns of light into which they emerge and then disappear. The Company's six performers, including Greco, startle critics and spectators alike with the intensity and concentration of their dancing. The dancing, classical one moment and tribal and gutsy the next, emphasizes the fullest extension of limbs and bodies pushing the very idea of a performing body to extremes. As in all other works of Emio Greco | PC, the sound, set and lighting design are equal partners in the artistic expression, perfectly complementing the intent of the dance.

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