Episode 1, The Sun's Search for the Moon

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The Sun's Search for the Moon Ep.1The Suns Search for the Moon ~A Machinima Series built in Thursdays Fictions in Second Life, drawing on and building out from the original stage production, book and film of Thursdays Fictions (www.thursdaysfictions.com)Series Creators: Richard James Allen and Karen Pearlman.Episode 1StarringMay LloydRichard James AllenCastVoice Actors (in order of appearance)Wednesday - Richard James AllenSaturday - May LloydAvatanimateursGary HayesRichard James AllenStory ConsultantJacqueline TurnureMachimimatographer and Production DesignerGary HayesDialogue RecordistsRoger MiddenwayAndrew MillerEditorKaren PearlmanMusic (from the original film Thursdays Fictions)Michael YezerskiSound DesignerAndrew PlainFX EditorMegan WedgeWriters/ProducersRichard James Allen and Karen PearlmanDirector/ChoreographerRichard James AllenSpecial ThanksMark Ward, Peter Giles, Lani Tupu, Adrian Norman,Sam Allen, Jaz Allen, Jocelyn AllenA Physical TV Company Productionwith support from AFTRSThe Australian Film Television and Radio SchoolCopyright © 2007 The Physical TV Company Pty Ltd

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