Excerpt from Residing at Pact Zollverein

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Fertilising and resuscitating desolate landscapes through unbound sexuality with no common essence.paragullo.comContact us if you want to watch the whole video.Developed during Dimitry Paranyushkin and Diego Agulló´s residency at PACT Zollverein (Essen, Germany) in Feb-March 2011. The Humping Pact is a tribute to dysfunctional spaces that still emanate creative potential. Our coming together is an attempt to build an intimate and personal relationship with space, being loyal to its demands and dedicated within our efforts.“Residence is, immunologically speaking, a defensive measure designed to demarcate a sphere of well-being from invaders and other agents of unwellness’ [...] Constructing a residence is, in other words, a ‘preventive measure’ that establishes a physical border between the protected interior and the potentially dangerous exterior.”

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