InterAct: Public Meditation in NYC Subway

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Get Embed Code Yestarday, a group of mediators sat in the pathways in the Port Authority Subway station in NYC during rush-hour. It was great sight in juxtaposition with the fast walking the subway users. It was organized by the Interdependence Project's Theatre Research Ensemble (TREe) Short interview with Josh Adler, Director of Arts and Communications for the Interdependence Project and a co-creater of the Time Interchange of New York is includded. From the Interdepence Project website: Public meditation is both a powerful social act and a mode of performance that is accessible to everyone. Starting on March 4th the Interdependence Project's Theatre Research Ensemble (TREe) will create a new series of public meditation performances called "InterActs". Building on the success of the Interdependence Project's "Sit Down/Rise Up" meditation marathon in the display windows of the ABC Home and Carpet, our group will meet twice a month to produce these events. In the first meeting we will organize, create, and compose; during the second meeting we will perform. All are welcome to join, and we hope that this program will open our ensemble to new participants and audiences alike. produced by marlon barrios solano

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  • yes cliff the tension between the performer and the pedestrians was palpable. my mirror neurons were firing off and i felt the tension in the pit of my stomach. i really wished you could have gone in closer, a close up of the space where the bodies for the "still" and the moving brushed past each other, but then again this is documentary and my film making cap is on right now. well done again. do more!
  • Hello Cliff,
    yes, it was powerful to witness the contrast...
    they would love to get that comment in the You Tube video.
    Can you re post it there?
  • Thank you Jeannette,
    yes, it was cool and I have more footage of that interaction. It was surprisingly gentle... they knew that I was recording!!
  • meditation, arts and activism! great! love it!
    i would have loved to have seen more "interaction" with the "cops"...this is a concrete site where your activism literally takes place.
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