Interview with Johannes Birringer @ InteraktionLabor 2009, Germany (Skyped)

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I interviewed Johannes Birringer the last day of the InteraktionLabor 09 as they prepared for closing presentation installation/performance Auf der anderen Seite des Spiegels / On the other side of the mirror. The 7th International Interaktionslabor takes place from July 20 to August 2 on the site of the former coal mine Göttelborn in southwest Germany. This year the main focus of the workshop is on perceptual processes. The project title -Halbinseln der Wahrnehmung/Peninsulae of Perception - is a reference to a diary written by a person afflicted with Asperger’s Syndrome. The diary has been proposed as research libretto for investigations into differing perceptual channels and psycho-social research on autism, synaesthesia, music composition and real-time performance. The acoustic-musical dimension of the 2009 laboratory is complemented by research into design or wearable audiophonics and acousmatic architectures and sound perceptions. The workshop brings together artists, scientists and researchers from different backgrounds committed to sharing their experiences and catalyzing multidisciplinary science-art collaborations. Special guests in residence at the summer lab are Stefan Scheib and Katharina Bihler from the Liquid Penguin Ensemble, an experimental music-theatre group that gained wide recognition through their award-winning radio music dramas. Their latest production, "Bout du Monde," has just been selected radio drama of the month (June 2009) by the German Academy of the Performing Arts. Previously, "GRAS WACHSEN HÖREN - das biolingua Institut wir 100 Jahre alt" was awarded the prize for best german radio drama and the ARD Online Award in 2008. Their music theatre performance "Eurydike hinter den Grenzen" (2007) was shown at festivals in Luxembourg, Düsseldorf, Saarbrücken and other venues. The laboratory is organized by theatre director and media artist Johannes Birringer who founded the Interaktionslabor in 2003 and currently holds a professorship in digital performance at Brunel University, London. "We have had many inquiries this year, as our subject combines research into media arts and psychology," Birringer says, "and the lab also has a continuing commitment to challenging our assumptions about space and perceptual constructions. We look forward to the participants from Latin America, Great Britain, France and Switzerland who will join artists and educators from the region." The lab ensemble plans to create a sonic installation in the 10KV, a former electric plant on the campus of the mine. The Interaktionslabor, which went on tour last summer to Belo Horizonte, Brasil, has become increasingly well known for its unique peripheral location, its independent, autonomous status, and the transcultural partnteships it has helped to build over the years. The lab ensemble plans to create a sonic installation in the 10KV, a former electric plant on the campus of the mine. The Interaktionslabor, which went on tour last summer to Belo Horizonte, Brasil, has become increasingly well known for its unique peripheral location, its independent, autonomous status, and the transcultural partnerships it has helped to build over the years. The activities are open to visitors, and information about the proceedings and the research process can be found at Interaktionslabor is supported by private-public partnerships and donations, and by the IKS IndustrieKultur Saar. Photo credit (c) Zeitgenossen/dans sans joux

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