Jillian Peña: a déjà vu of my own fantasy

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Marlon Barrios Solano interviews dance/visual artist Jillian Peña. She creates video vignettes/tableaus as hybrid performances mixing hope and cinicism, spiritulaity and UFOs as a way of dealing with the concept of dance. Interviewed at Dance Theater Workshop, NYC 4/10/08 Video-based artist Jillian Peña's newest work, MOTHERSHIP, is a virtual meta-dance which creates movement through intimate interaction with its viewers. Set in an imaginary landscape of pop spirituality, the piece pulls the audience between hope and failure, devotion and cynicism, group experience and alienation. Upcoming performance at DTW, NYC Apr 16 – 19 at 7:30pm http://www.dancetheaterworkshop.org/ellsworth_pena jillianpena.com

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  • Jillian
    really enjoyed your work and what you say about your way of composing/creating it , here in the interview. i particularly liked your singing and some of the dry humor and irony, it works so well. i think the relation to "dance" is an interesting one (and whether your video might work/be received rather disfferently if showed in a video art context ratther than a stage context/dancefilm context; you speak of dance before it becomes "dance", that interested me too.
    (technically speaking, i had a question, did yoi hear about the capture contest / over in Muncih? they want 60 second films, in 16:9 format. i never shot in that format, have you? i tried to see whether my old final cut can transform my dv footage into whast i think is called anamorphic 16:9? ). in any case, good luck with your work.
  • Very cool work. I am sorry to have missed your live show. Jody
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