Marta Popivoda (Berlin): Caressing Machine – Film screening and conversation with Bojana Cvejić, moderated by Stefan Hölscher

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International Conference “The Workshop – Investigations Into an Artistic Political Format” (March 26-28, 2021)Organized by the Fritz Thyssen project “Collective Realization – The Workshop as an Artistic-Political Format” (Institute for Theatre Studies, Ruhr University, Bochum) in collaboration with the ICI Berlin and the PSR project “Our Dance” (Heizhaus/Uferstudios GmbH) in Berlin. Funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.Concept and Organization: Kai van Eikels and Stefan Hölscher.Speakers: Zahra Ali Baba, Julia Bee, Sabeth Buchmann, Alice Chauchat, Bojana Cvejić, Diedrich Diederichsen, Gerko Egert, Konstantina Georgelou, Aernout Mik, Wadzanai Motsi-Khatai, Mila Pavićević, Hanna Poddig, Yvonne Rainer, Juli Reinartz, Xavier Le Roy, Heike Roms, Anne Schuh, and Sebastian Voigt.Workshops and artistic presentations by: Jeanne-Jens Eschert, Bella Hager, Anne Mahlow, Lea Martini, Nana Melling, Aernout Mik, Marta Popivoda, and Doris Uhlich.Assistant: Miedya Mahmod.Graphic Design: Zahra Rashid.Facebook:

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