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Happy New Year! This is a short of my current show MELT - upcoming shows Feb 8th -9th in Boston and March 7th-8th at the Joyce SoHo in NYC - best Jamie Jewett

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  • Thanks Robbie - so nice to hear from you out here in cyberspace!

    the projections are a mix of live feeds from body mounted wireless micro video cameras, prerecorded footage shot on-site in Ice caves and glaciers in Alaska, and graphics rendered in real time and controlled by the dancers...

    So glad to hear about Polly - she must be so sweet!
    Our Benjamin just turned 3 and is a dancing machine!

    I am trying to find a teaching gig and am starting to think about a new piece...

    thanks for being in touch

  • Wow Jamie - This is absolutely beautiful. I'm so happy that you've found a way to make work and contribute. Are the projected graphics a live element or pre-recorded? Either way they really work - a super minimal but sculpturally balanced composition. The best part is the choreography and that the projections don't detract. Wow.
    What are you planning on doing after you graduate?
    I'm really good. Just had a little girl named Polly, and she, myself and her father are hardcore nesting. I'm hoping to get out and busy again soon. Teaching a couple of classes at UCLA this Spring. That's about it!
    So glad I could see your work.
    Be well!
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