Screencast 1: How to embed videos from other sharing sites and thumbnails

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Trying to solve why You Tube and Vimeo are not fetching the video thumbnail.
Use the OLD code not the "I Frame".
produced by marlon barrios solano

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  • Hi, I agree about the location: a real studio!

    People, I think that the bug is fixed. Iframe is working to fetch the thumbnails!

  • prettty going to the Apple store, only better..  especially the location ;)
  • Thanks Marlon! Great to know.. Jeannette
  • welll,

    it looks like that is going to be the way to go for a of Ipads and Iphones.


  • But doesnt the iFrame disable the HTML5 option for mobile phones?
  • Thank you Jody!


  • Pretty cool.
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