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We read an excerpt from Eugénie Lemoine-Luccioni, ‘La robe’. The artist Orlan recited this before her fifth performance operation.We read this in the book ‘Extreme Bodies’ by Francesca Alfano Miglietti Skira. Which is the book we are reading from, as it quotes the text:“Skin is deceptive… In life, you have nothing but your own skin… there is an error in human relations because a person is never what they have… I have the skin of an angel, but I am a hyena, I have the skin of a crocodile but I am a puppy, I have black skin but I am white, I have the skin of a woman but I am a man; I never have the skin of what I am. There are no exceptions to the rule because I never am what I have…”Film by Eric Schrijver
Idea: Bruno Listopad
Research Team: Aleksandra Maciejewska, Amaranta Velarde González, Angelina Deck, Bruno Listopad
Guest Lecturer: M.A Kroes
Guest Artist: Eric Schrijver