Slippage (Re-edit Cutouts)

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In this study 'Slippage', within the baseline for the structured improvisation - or more accurately, after Kristian Larsen, 'real-time choreography' (throwdisposeablechoreography blog) the dancers are investigating where and how departure might surface within engagement - hidden agendas of manipulation, potential entrapment and escape - all indeterminants expressed and ultimately brought to nought through the Roaming Body. No matter the intent - we will leave all and every engagement we make.In my editing I am investigating ways to maintain the sense of narrative in the duet while exploring a less linear structure in the composition. I have fragmented the 'conversation' and begun to make this less literal. Movement, as a metaphor and an event in its own right, like other spoken language, need not occur in ways which are linear. In Slippage, I have employed emphasis by changing the speed and timing of the clips and re-ordering the sequence. I am inclined to think that this is an improvement from the original version. There is more diversity visually and less predictability than in the original edit, 'Cutouts', also seen here in see my Masters blog: http://hoststranger.blogspot.comand other videos under: In the Company of Strangers on YouTube.comThank you for your time,Mike Baker

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