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Director: VALENTINA LACMANOVIĆEditor: AMIR GRABUSMusic: RANKO ŠAJFARCamera and performance: VALENTINA LACMANOVIĆProduction: Valentina Lacmanović in collaboration with Gallery Gray Area siva) (zona (Korčula Croatia)set for part I and II: Branka Cvjetičanin: We Buy Gold_#CFB53B, site specific installation at Gallery gray) (area (siva)(zona) KorčulaIt is a second film of Valentina Lacmanović in which the author films herself and develops an original, organic treatment of the camera as an extension of the body.Imagined as a triptych, SOLAR RING can be unfolded and watched as a one channel projection or a three-channel installation. All parts are connected by a subtle narrative and correspond to three phases in a process of transmission of energy and transformation of character.The technique of the “ultimate selfie” and the organic relationship between camera and movement of the body takes the audience into a trance-like journey.The audience get the chance to enter the privileged, intimate perspective of the performer.It is an attempt to display the motion of the mind, its pacification and its passage into a different existence