Taeyoon Choi: Disrupting with Sense of Humor

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Shor interview with Taeyoon Choi on his project developed at Eyebeam as an artist in residency. Taeyoon Choi is a Seoul-based artist working with performance and digital media. Choi’s works intervene into urban media spaces humorously, in order to deliver critical commentary on contemporary digital culture. Choi is involved in interdisciplinary collaboration with various networks and collectives including: FunOut Urban Game Inc, DOTPLAY Mobile Hacking Workshop, and Upgrade! Seoul. Choi earned a B.F.A at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and completed a M.S. at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. For the 2008 Eyebeam Commission, Choi will create Charlie: Camerautomata, a duck-shaped robot built from the hacked electronic components of a digital camera and photo printer, which consumes and defecates images in public spaces at its own will. http://tyshow.org

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