Three's A Crowd (2007) 4:48

Views: 206
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Improvised, single-take in industrial landscape

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  • This right here is where improvisation shines.
    That short is beautiful, improvisation is something i'm very interested in exploring, somehow it never makes it, any chance of some tips for a successful improviation task?

  • Hi Marlon and thanks for your generous comment... (I think its a bit 'Lo-Fi' punk for the UK scene ;)... But can you comment on the stuttery playback at all? It looks similar to me to the Vimeo issue...This was shot at 25fps...apparently Vimeo encodes at 24fps and just drops the extra frame as far as i can find out. (?!) Is the encoder here similar? Do you notice this on playback yourself? You can compare it with the QT version on my website if you have time...
    As for dance-techLIVE I would be delighted for you to feature it. But it would be cool to organise a 'properly' working version if poss. How does the featuring thing with DTLive work then? I've not had a chance to really check it out yet.≥..i been trying to access the Body Cartography's thing and just keep getting this:'due to a large number of people accessing this site, an internal application error.....'. Is this just teething problems cos of unexpected over demand/popularity? Best, Andy.
  • Hello Andy,
    Beautiful work!
    I would love to feature this video in dance-techLIVE.
    What do you think?
  • For some some reason this vid is 'stuttering'. The original does not. I'm wondering if its the 'dropped frame' issue of Vimeo. Am investigating.
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