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VERTIGES - SHORT FILMBy Stéphanie Decourteille & Charles PomerloThe short film Vertiges depicts the crazy rush of the modern woman, the one who wants it all, who wants to control everything in her life and who, out of breath, exhausts herself. Created by Stéphanie Decourteille on the music Nude by the british band Radiohead, this film is a reflection about the productivity at all price which affects our time. Vertiges has been selected by the Parcours Danse 2010. It has been selected for the 8th Cinedans dance on screen festival in Amsterdam in December 2010 which also hosted the prestigious Dancescreen from Vienna that same year. On the 27th of January, in the heart of Manhattan, the film has been shown during the 39th Dance On Camera Festival of New York. It has been selected as well and shown for the 29th International Festival of Film about art in Montreal, in March 2011. Vertiges was also selected and shown at the 10th Dance Camera West Film Festival in Los Angeles on June 2011.--

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