Dear dancers, here are some info about the Tango Diferente research week! It's about Tango, Contact Improvisation and anything in between!
Last year we were a group of 60 people and we danced horizontally, vertically and dare I say it... diagonally!

The next TANGO DIFERENTE Research Week will take place from the 1st to the 7th of July 2013 at "PONDEROSA Movement and Discovery" near Berlin (Germany).

Please note: Arriving on MONDAY the 1st of July (after lunch) and leaving on SUNDAY the 7th of July (after breakfast). [Shorter stay possible, see below]

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who made the week in 2012 so special and wonderful!! Here are some brief comments:

“Interesting styles of ideas and teaching”

“I love how the ‘all classes included’ idea works in practice that supports the exchange of ideas totally”

“Many different possibilities for dancing…thanks!”

“Different ways of looking at tango and other dances”

“Connecting contact improvisation and tango in a single discourse rather than treating them as distinct episodes”

“New inspirations to feel and to expand the tango mood to somewhere else….”

“Great, inspiring, highly professional workshops. Open playful attitude”

“I feel full with new experiences and new thoughts”

“I really enjoyed the new experiences and meeting so many interesting people from all over Europe and the world! The hospitality at Ponderosa was wonderful”


Special guest: EDWINE FOURNIER (Paris)


The ROYALTY of the tango-contact fusion!!

Edwine Fournier is a rare expert in the field of the fusion of tango with contact improvisation, having offered regular weekly classes in Paris since 2000 and creating a group of enthusiasts which exist to this date. In addition, she presented her dance-theatrical shows around France and organized several workshops for guest teachers. Arguably, she brought the seeds of her fusion into Buenos Aires at a time when Tango and CI was not yet thought of to be merged.


She has been leading a laboratory on tango and contact mixed score with a research group of dancers, Collectif Tangible, in order to build a practical space where we can play with the mixed material. The laboratory is based on the practice of the underscore (originated by Nancy Stark Smith) to create an organic and social dance in a specific space.

Edwine will provide the group with delicate directions from attentive observation rooted in knowledge and experience of Tango and Contact Improvisation separately and also combined.



Workshop and/or class teachers:

Astrid Weiske (Berlin)

Gabriele Koch (Wuppertal)

Tobias Funke (Bremen/Hamburg)


Extra teachers:

Claus Springboard (Copenaghen)

Enrique van Doezelaar (Amsterdam)

Karine Grenier (Paris)

Sonja Armisen (Munich)

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