• Dec 10, 2011 all day
  • Location: agora collective, mittelweg 50, berlin
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023

AGORA meets WILDE PFERDE / collective work
workshop, performance, discussion

-> how to work collectively? <-
in this workshop we will explore collective ways of composing, thinking and deciding through movement, play, sound, language etc. we will exchange our experiences and wishes about collective work. open for artists and creative people, featuring wilde pferde and agora collective.
begins 12 am, ends 6 pm | reservation: info@agoracollective.org

-> PhRasen der Dressur - Heilsversprechungen ptII, afterwards discussion <-
in this performance wilde pferde are asking: how does one create believe - and how does one believe the creation? which promise of salvation leads to which individual behavior? does behavior need a rhythm to become a ritual? how much fiction lies in the formular? and do promises of salvation create realities? the performance is an investigation into everyday movement, those small gestures, that point to a wider context.
begins 8 pm | check! http://vimeo.com/24881393

fee 12 euros (workshop & performance) | 6 euros (performance)

agora collective | Mittelweg 50, Berlin-Neukölln | U-Leinestraße
www.wildepferde.tumblr.com | www.agoracollective.org

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