all welcome to join an online improvisation project using Twitter!
“Alone or Not?”  Social Improvisation through Twitter 
13 September – 4 October 2011
'alone or not: perception, body and social media' is a networked choreographic space  for creating and exchanging bodily experiences. Participants send short SMS messages or tweets about their movement, actions and perceptions to each other. Together we create a social network of bodily movement that becomes a shared choreography that is documented in Twitter and the projects website
This is an open call for participation either by using the Twitter site or by SMS from your mobile phone.
1. if you want to use Twitter via the internet just log onto Twitter and follow our Twitter channel:!/alone_or_not
2. If you want to send and receive SMS messages on your phone you need a Finnish mobile number:enroll by the 12th of September 2011 at When we receive your email, we will send you more detailed participating instructions on how to join the sms-based list. the SMS message exchange works only through Finnish telephone operators and mobile phone numbers with the country code (+358) that are used in Finland. The SMS-distribution lists operates until the 4th of October 2011.
Instructions on how to participate are also on the website
Please share and have fun!
The alone or not – project is a collaboration between Mia Keinänen, Anne Koutonen, Susan Kozel, Samu Mielonen and Leena Rouhiainen. It is supported by the Zodiak Centre for Contemporary Dance in Helsinki, the Finnish Academy of the Arts, and Mesh Performance Practices.
photo credits:Laura Kauppinen.

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