Theatre & Resonant Politics (Artaud Forum 3):
23-24 March 2013
Artaud Performance Center, Brunel University,
West London, UB8 3PH, UK.
A two-day conference on theatre, the body, and politics, held at Brunel University’s Antonin Artaud Performance Centre.
‘Theatre and Resonant Politics’ examines theatre as a site of disciplining bodies towards participation in political regimes – as well as a site in which bodies, resonating with each other, might resist. Recent political events including the ‘Arab Spring’ and the Occupy movement around the world demonstrate the power and relevance of resonant politics. The sympathetic reverberations of these movements show a sense of commonality that does not rely on identification with political parties, leaders or ideologies. Rather, such events are instances of large-scale corporeal resonance — a sympathetic vibration between the bodies amassed in the public square, the park, the occupied lecture room, across networks.
Through the lens of corporeal/bodily resonance this symposium-workshop opens up questions of performance training, spectatorship and affect. The event features practical workshops, performances, paper panels, roundtable discussions, and keynote presentations. It brings together international theatre, dance, performance and sound artists, musicians, digital artists, theorists and researchers engaged in creative practices that reflect on major innovative performance traditions of the past century and their impact on current performance knowledge & physical techniques.
Curated and organised by Johannes Birringer and Broderick Chow.
Full program:
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