Ballet Hispanico presents the latest installment of its choreographic institute, Instituto Coreográfíco, to be held May 19-30 at the company’s headquarters at 167 W. 89th Street, NYC. This month’s Instituto Coreográfico features Miguel Mancillas, Artistic Director of Antares Danza Contemporánea, who will be paired with a filmmaker as well as panelists Marnie Wood, Linda Kent, and Kevin Wynn. Instituto Coreográfico is made possible with leadership support from the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The groundbreaking Instituto Coreográfico provides emerging Latino choreographers and dance filmmakers with a professional and supportive environment in which to explore their heritage and develop their craft. Choreographers receive ongoing feedback from a group of notable artistic mentors and advisors, daily archive DVD recordings of the rehearsals, an edited film of the resulting work, an academic advisor, and a showing of their work. Should an artistically appropriate work emerge from this process, it could enter Ballet Hispanico’s permanent repertory. Filmmakers will be paired with a choreographer and will be mentored by filmmaker Gerrit Vooren, founder of r4a Video Production.