Embodied Research MethodologiesAn International and Interdisciplinary Symposium12th June 2014Centre for Arts Therapies Research (CATR)Department of PsychologyUniversity of RoehamptonThis international and interdisciplinary symposium will be participative and engaging. Artists, therapists and scientists will discuss and perform their work, and together we will consider the implications and envisage a future that takes forward the vital project for employing collaborative, embodied, artistic methodologies.This symposium will be relevant for: artists; arts therapists; psychotherapists, scientists and researchers, working within a range of settings (e.g. hospitals; schools; care homes; universities; arts centers, etc.) and who have an interest in embodied artistic methodologies as a way of developing their practice and understanding how the notion of ‘evidence’ can take many forms.Download a flyer + booking: http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/Research-Centres/Centre-for-Arts-Therapies-Research/Events/