The multi-annual project BEYOND, which kicked off in February 2009, nurtures a growing educational and artistic network that is inspired by the ongoing dialogue between ICKamsterdam and several Asian artists and institutions. With the aim to investigate the relevant concepts of Tradition and Innovation in contemporary art fields, BEYOND inspires an examination of the physical memories of the body in different cultures. On the one hand, BEYOND addresses the creative and educational aspects of dance through workshops in which distinct body preparations and dance creative processes are combined. On the other hand, BEYOND positions and investigates the body as an intercultural space.The first edition of BEYOND took place in Seoul (ROK) and Amsterdam (NL) in 2009. The second edition focuses on China. After a residency in July/August in Beijing and Shanghai (CN), BEYOND_China will be continued in Amsterdam from 29 November untill 18 December.From 29 November till 16 December different workshops will be given: Double Skin/Double Mind by Emio Greco & Pieter C. Scholten, Yi Quan by Jan Sleijfer, Making the body all eyes by Phillip Zarrilli and Synchronous Objects by Norah Zuniga.All workshops are open for dancers, choreographers, dance students and artists and students from other disciplines with an interest in the moving body.