• Aug 25, 2009 all day
  • Location: Dundee, Scotland
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
Call for entries Montage Video Dance Festival 2010 Deadline for entries: Wednesday 26 August 2009 Montage Video Dance Festival produced by Walking Gusto Productions in partnership with FNB Dance Umbrella and The French Institute of South Africa, wants your latest screendance work for the FNB Dance Umbrella in Johannesburg, JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Festival in Durban and the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa. Not how we move but what moves us Pina Bausch Next year’s theme honors the passing of Pina Bausch, Merce Cunningham and Augusto Boal – all icons of our dance and theatre heritage. Each one of us has been touched by their influence, ideas and unique vision. May they continue to inspire us! Montage therefore calls on screendance makers to send video works that reflect “not how we move but what moves us”, for the 2010 festival. Criteria: Video works should be between 2 to 20 minutes, involve movement, dance, choreography and the moving image made specifically for the screen and should not be filmed live performance, nor documentaries. They may be linear, nonlinear or abstract in narrative. They may include animation or special effects to amplify the intention of the video maker. Format: DVD, PAL Fees: There is no entry fee Entry Requirements: 1) Email completed entry form to: Jeannette Ginslov jeannette.ginslov@gmail.com 2) Entry Form downloadable at: http://www.iiixxxiii.co.uk/m/JGinslov 3) Details to include: A 50 word synopsis, Title, Date, running time, original format, Production Company and funders. Cast and Crew list: Director, Producer, Editor, Choreographer, Camera, Dancers, Lights, Production Design, Composer, Sound Design, Special Effects, 4:3 or 16:9. 5) Send PAL DVD and written details to: Jeannette Ginslov, Montage Video Dance Festival 2010, 33A Blackness Avenue, DD2 1EY, Dundee, Scotland. If selected, the screendance maker will send a mini dv tape. Please note that montage has established a video dance archive at Dibuka, The French Information Centre in Johannesburg, and would very much like to keep your video for the purposes of growing the art form and for educational purposes. Thanking you Founder & Curator – Jeannette Ginslov Manager - Gerard Bester
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