CALL FOR ENTRIES 2010CAÍDA LIBRE, call all the national and international artists to send works of videodanza to enter the selection of the FIVC, International Videodance Festival of Chile.This second edition of International Videodance Festival of Chile, It is the result of a previous edition and others projects realised by Caída Libre in the videodance diffusion since 2005.FIVC 2010 proposes a new format of presentation, little common for videodance. “VDTV” is a project though that the Festival is projecting directly in the television screen. This will be an opportunity to at a heterogenous public, to create new hearings, motivate the creation of emergent artists, promote the production of contemporary, experimental, hybrid and transmedial art.The second version of the FIVC it will be realised during the month of August of the 2010 by the ARTV channel (cable Television channel. VTR channel 43. National cover especially in regional capitals ). Festival will release once program per week of thirty minutes of duration the one that will be re- emitted in ten opportunities during the same week, thus realising, a programming of four days during a month.The selection of the international works of videodance that apply to the present call will enter a process of selection in charge of the national artist Carlos Dittborn and of the Director of the FIVC Brisa MP. For videodance national, the Chilean artists Macarena Zamudio and Mila Berríos. In both cases, the curatorial structure will be generated from the works that apply to the present call, where the curators will analyzed, reflect and discuss works, which in consequence will generate a selection aesthetic structure.The Festival is noncompetitive and non commercial, created and realised event of independent way by Caída Libre.The call 2010 is opening May 10 and deadline July 5.Bases: : festivalvdchilefivc@gmail.comCAÍDA LIBRE convoca a todos los artistas Chilenos y extranjeros a enviar obras de videodanza para entrar en la etapa de selección del FIVC 2.0 titulada VD TV.Esta segunda edición del Festival Internacional de Videodanza de Chile es el resultado de una edición previa y otros proyectos de difusión de videodanza realizados por Caída Libre.MÁS INFORMACIÓNñol.htm