Javier Cura & Moss Beynon JuckesAt Bechyně Franciscan Monastery, Czech Republic22nd till 29th of August, 2010This will be a week long summer holiday and residency in a historical Franciscan Monastery, in the Bohemian region of the Czeck republic. The Monastery is placed in the little village of Bechyne, over viewing the valley of the river Lužnice, surrounded by its terraced gardens and natural landscapes. This captivating environment offers a special opportunity to focus through play and physical transformations on our creativeness and self awareness.Using play, sounds and songs, objects, lights, masks or stories, we will develop a parade of different energies and characters, relating, sharing and exchanging them.All these activities will allow us time to enjoy a creative distance with our own selves and to awaken our awareness. This aliveness will gives us the energy to experience, deconstruct and reassemble, thus opening doors to deeper expressions of the self.For more infoPrague:Patricie Poráková kilisandalio@gmail.com, mob: 00420777299959,Berlin:Javier Cura javiercura@yahoo.com.ar mob: 0049163 638 3774Moss Beynon Juckes mossbeynonjuckes@rocketmail.com mob: 004915779399735