DRHA 2011 (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) ConferenceConnected Communities: global or local2local?Call for Papers and PerformancesThe deadline for submissions for papers and/or performances/installations is Monday 31st January 2011.Sunday 4th September - Wednesday 7th September 2011University of Nottingham Ningbo, China(with add on option of Saturday 3rd September in Shanghai)In 2011 the DRHA conference will explore the new connectivities in societies and cultures which are enabled by the blending of virtual and physical space, the traversing of time and space through the virtual, and the evolution of innovative methodologies. Crossing disciplines and challenging boundaries within the humanities, arts and the creative industries, this conference will examine critically familiar notions of the ‘local’, the ‘global’ and the ‘network’ across the cultural spectrum.Please see http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cas/digitalresearchinthehumanitiesarts2011/index.aspx for more information. Abstracts should be approx 600 words. All submissions must be on-line.Co-chairs - DRHA 2011 Judith Still (University of Nottingham) and Ghislaine Boddington (Middlesex University/ body>data>space). Conference Lead - Andy White (Nottingham University, Ningbo, China)Apologies for cross-posting.Please forward this information to others who may be interested.