LEMENTS OF ACTION (From score to subscore)

workshop for actors & dancers


Goossun Art-illery joins forces with Dansbyrån, Københavns Musikteater, Association of Independent Theatre in Iceland and Tjarnarbio and Among the Ants to organize a series of workshops in the Nordic countries. The upcoming two workshops are planned for Copenhagen in October 2011 and Göteborg in May 2012.



Elements of Action (from score to subscore) is an advanced training course for performers (actors and dancers) to devise physical and vocal materials through use of external stimuli’s i.e. objects and create sequences of action. These sequences (scores) will be the basis for improvisation through which the participants will explore and discover the personal and inner aspect of the action (subscore).

The question is how to give life to the movement, how to let voice to fly? In Stanislavski’s words, how “to access the subconscious through the conscious?” In this three-day workshop Vahid, director of Goossun Art-illery shares his experiences and together with participants explores further possibilities.



Practical Information

•All participants must fully memorize a short text, preferably in their mother tongue.

•Participants are asked to bring comfortable training clothing.

•The training involves heavy physical exercises.

•The working language is English but it does not exclude other languages.

•A maximum number of 12 participants are admitted for each workshop.

•The participants should be punctual and attend the workshop full time.

•The workshop lasts for 9 hours a day (from 09:00 to 18:00) including a 90-minutes lunch break.

•There might be an Open Session on the last afternoon of the workshop for a limited number of invited observers. The Open Session is not a “presentation” but rather an opportunity for spectators to observe Goossun Art-illery at work and discuss the work in a Q&A session.


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