Dances by Very Young Choreographers is a mélange of witty and intriguing original dances created and performed by children ages 8-18. The young choreographers have been taught and mentored by Ellen Robbins, the nationally renowned dance educator, since they were the tender age of five. The dances are sometimes hilarious, sometimes melancholic, but always surprising. Choreographic themes can include dramatic storylines, real-life situations, the world at large, or may be cleverly abstract. Don't miss this opportunity to inspire your children by exposing them to live performances created and performed by their peers.Created for families looking to introduce their children to fun, intelligent, and innovative live performance, Dance Theater Workshop’s Family Matters shows are relaxed and informal and appropriate for children of all ages. These one-of-a-kind showcases provide an opportunity to turn off your gadgets and experience dance, music, theater, and more, presented in kid-friendly, bite-size-pieces.