A two week long Intensive Workshopbased on the ideas that William Forsythe, the Ballett Frankfurtand The Forsythe company developed and used to create their works.This course offers a new way of looking at dance and it'screation and a fresh approach towardslearning and developing your dancingand improvisational skills.Tamas Moricz has worked withWilliam Forsythe,Jan Fabre,Crystal Pite,Antony Rizzi,Saburo Teshigawara, Ryuichi Sakamotoand currently teaches at P.A.R.T.S, Cullberg Ballett, D.A.N.C.E program,Palucca Schule,the Venice Biennale and many others.Two weeks, four working hours per dayMo-Sa. 11.00-15.00320 EurosPlease Register before Aug24thFor further Info please contacttamas@tamasmoricz.com