• Sep 10, 2010 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Location: Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) Theatre
  • Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2023
"GENRE IS NOT A DIRTY WORD" – A Talk by Dr Karen Pearlman.Join a conversation with Dr Karen Pearlman at “Friday on My Mind” this Friday, September 10th at 5 pm in the AFTRS Theatre (130 Bent St, Moore Park -map). Admission is free.In the latest issue of "Lumina, the AFTRS Journal of Screen Arts and Business", Karen writes: “Genres is an innocent victim in the high art vs. low art wars”. On Friday she’ll be talking with “Friday on My Mind” moderator Rachael Turk about how genre can make our stories bigger than ourselves, why she thinks magic realism is such a good genre for Australians, genre as myth and metaphor, why the musical is back and more.Hope to see you there!KAREN PEARLMAN - brief bio:Dr Karen Pearlman is Head of Screen Studies at the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), Co-Artistic Director with Dr Richard James Allen of The Physical TV Company, and former dancer with Bill T Jones/Arnie Zane Company in New York City. President of the Australian Screen Editors Guild (ASE), Karen is also the author of "Cutting Rhythms: Shaping the Film Edit" (Focal Press) . Her recent essays include, “Make our myths”.Respond to Facebook invitation: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147625345270662&ref=ts.Email Karen.Pearlman@aftrs.edu.au for for more information about the AFTRS Screen Culture Graduate Certificate where students studying with Karen Pearlman and her colleagues discover and contribute to the ideas that shape our screen production processes, culture and industry.Or click here for more details: http://aftrs.edu.au/courses/course-search/award-course-detail.aspx?id=4750&umbVersion=eaea87c2-24b0-4751-a53d-1976022e8b37&0.32188642226247416Other Links:"Friday on my Mind":http://www.aftrs.edu.au/whats-on/friday-on-my-mind.aspx"Lumina": http://www.aftrs.edu.au/explore/lumina.aspxThe Physical TV Company: http://www.physicaltv.com.au"Cutting Rhythms: Shaping the Film Edit":http://www.physicaltv.com.au/CuttingRhythmsShapingTheFilmEditByKarenPearlmanFocalPressBoston2009_593_n_3_0.html“Make our myths”:http://thestorydepartment.com/make-our-myths/.http://www.physicaltv.com.au/CuttingRhythmsShapingTheFilmEditByKarenPearlmanFocalPressBoston2009_593_n_3_0.html
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